What are the best emeralds to purchase?

Here are the reasons why Colombian emeralds are the highly sought after Emeralds have been gaining popularity, but it's Colombian emeralds that have seen the biggest surge in value. Rayaz Takat, CEO of Takat in New York, which specializes in stones of a specific origin, says "People are buying more Colombian stones as they want assurance that the pieces will sell in the future and Colombian emeralds are more well-known."

The Colombian emeralds are prized for their deep green color, enhanced by natural fluorescence, and have less impurities and iron than emeralds found in other countries like Zambia, Brazil, and Afghanistan. The Colombian government is working to improve working conditions and environmental standards in mining regions, causing a "scramble" for licenses in Muzo, Coscuez, and Chivor. The price of rough stones has risen by 165% since 2005, due to the rise in global demand and living standards.

The Rise of Colombian Emeralds Stuart Robertson, VP and Research Director at Gemworld International, says "When people talk about emeralds, it's the classic Colombian?and everything else." With the death of Victor Carranza, Colombian emerald production has opened to foreign investments. Since 2013, millions of dollars have flowed into the region, led by Muzo International and Gemfields PLC, with the goal of increasing production through better equipment, processes, and supply chain management.

However, the increase in output has been slow and the cost per carat keeps rising. Big multinational companies have also invested in sales channels and advertising, targeting younger, financially stable, and ethically aware millennial customers.

Transparency is important to these informed customers, as Jason Woods of Muzo Emerald Colombia stated at the Baselworld jewelry fair in Switzerland. The key is to offer "100% traceability throughout the emerald production chain," so that each emerald is uniquely identified and tracked from extraction to consumer.

Emeralds are not only beautiful but also valuable, and can be worn with pride or sold in the future. If you're interested in purchasing emeralds, talk to a Jianna specialist to learn more and find the right emerald for you.

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