Lab Grown Diamonds: A Guide

At Jianna Jewelers, we strive to offer our customers the finest jewelry that not only looks
beautiful but is also created with innovation and sustainability in mind. We are excited to
introduce you to the world of lab-grown diamonds in Houston. These diamonds possess
the same beauty, durability, and brilliance as mined diamonds. Let's delve deeper into
understanding lab-grown diamonds.


Lab-grown diamonds, also called synthetic or cultured diamonds, are made in labs instead of forming naturally deep in the Earth. These diamonds are grown using advanced technological processes that replicate the conditions under which natural diamonds form, resulting in gem-quality stones with identical chemical, optical, and physical properties to mined diamonds.


Natural and lab-grown diamonds are both made of pure carbon and take the form of sparkling cubic crystalline stones. While lab-grown diamonds have the same optical properties as natural diamonds, they do not have the same rarity. Natural diamonds are formed over a long period of time, gaining their dazzling shape from being compressed deep within the Earth's crust. This makes them truly one-of-a-kind and rare. Conversely, laboratory-grown diamonds can be produced indefinitely without any restrictions.


The production of lab-grown diamonds typically involves two main methods: High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD).
  • HPHT Method: This method involves placing a small diamond seed in a chamber with the carbon source material and subjecting it to extreme heat and pressure, mimicking the natural diamond-growing conditions deep within the Earth.
  • CVD Method: In this process, a diamond seed is placed in a vacuum chamber filled with carbon-rich gases. These gases are ionized using microwaves or other energy sources, causing the carbon atoms to accumulate on the seed and gradually form a diamond crystal.


When selecting a lab-grown diamond for your jewelry piece, consider the same factors you would for a mined diamond:
  • Cut: A diamond's cut greatly influences its brilliance and sparkle. Look for well-cut stones that exhibit maximum light performance.
  • Color: Lab-grown diamonds are available in a range of colors, from colorless to fancy hues. Choose a color grade that suits your preference and complements your jewelry design.
  • Clarity: Clarity refers to internal or external flaws, known as inclusions or blemishes. Select a diamond with minimal imperfections for optimal beauty and brilliance.
  • Carat Weight: Carat weight denotes the size of the diamond and is a personal preference based on your desired aesthetic and budget.
Explore our collection and join us in embracing the future of responsible luxury with lab-grown diamonds.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds created in a lab, with the same chemical, physical, and optical properties as natural diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds are virtually indistinguishable from natural diamonds in terms of quality, appearance, and durability. They possess the same hardness (10 on the Mohs scale) and brilliance as natural diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds have lower environmental impact compared to mined diamonds. They require fewer resources and less energy to produce and do not involve the environmental disruption of mining.

Lab-grown diamonds are often less expensive than natural diamonds with equivalent quality and size. This is due to factors such as production efficiency and reduced overhead costs, which contribute to their competitive pricing.

Lab-grown diamonds can undergo certification from respected gemological labs in the same way as natural diamonds. These certifications offer peace of mind regarding the diamond's quality, legitimacy, and ethical origins.

While lab-grown diamonds may not have the same resale value as natural diamonds, they still hold value, especially for consumers seeking an ethical and sustainable alternative to mined diamonds.

In most cases, it is challenging to distinguish between lab-grown and natural diamonds without specialized equipment or expertise. Both types of diamonds have identical physical and chemical properties.

Lab-grown diamonds are incredibly versatile when it comes to customizing them for jewelry designs. They come in a range of shapes, sizes, and colors, which provides endless design possibilities. A lot of jewelry retailers also offer custom design services that can incorporate lab-grown diamonds into unique pieces.

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