An Introduction
Jianna Jewelry represents a beautiful fusion of traditional and contemporary designs, that’s crafted to stay-in-vogue for ‘forever’.From Engagement rings to necklaces, wearing ‘jewels’ from our exquisite collections will not only make you feel super special but would also lend a distinct ‘sparkle’ to your persona.
Our Diamonds
Not only do we purvey an array of diamonds, but each one is ethically sourced, masterfully cut to precision, and diligently tested for quality. The sheer brilliance of both - the diamonds and the craftsmen - shines through in every Jianna’s piece!
Pick any of our incredible diamond pieces and we promise it’ll be absolutely worth the purchase. If you’re unsure about how to select & buy a diamond jewelry, here’s a quick guide to help you make the right choice:
Cut is one of the most important aspects of diamonds because it affects two things: Shape & Light. If it’s not perfectly shaped, it won’t look good. To get an aesthetically beautiful shape, a diamond must be well cut. It’s said that a great diamond is cut precisely to the point where you would be able to notice the shape even from a distance. Also, precisely-cut diamonds refract light from all the angles, thus making them shine the brightest. An improper cut would make the light leak and the diamond won’t sparkle to the eye as it should be. In short, the more colors of VIBGYOR spectrum you’ll be able to notice, the better cut it is!
Diamonds range from Colorless to Colored. The best quality diamonds don’t really have any color, they are completely transparent and all you will be able to notice is the cut and the light it is refracting. If there’s any speck of color visible (usually a yellowish or brown), that would mean the color grade of the diamond is not colorless. Transparency in a diamond is very important because it lets the light refract fully. But take a note that when it comes to ‘sparkle’ quotient of diamonds, it’s more about precision-cutting than color grades. If the diamond is masterfully cut, then the presence of minor colors won’t make much of a difference to its shine. Hence, always give cut a preference while choosing.

The clarity of a diamond is not easy to judge. A diamond may have two types of imperfections: internal & surface. Internal ones are called Inclusions and surface defects are called Blemishes. Inclusions are anything trapped isssnside the diamond while it was in the mineral state. It could be in any form - solid, liquid, or gas. Most of the Inclusions are small and barely visible to the naked eye. Though if the defect is large it can affect the diamond’s ability to refract and sparkle. Blemishes, on the other hand, are referred to scratches and chips at the surface. Bigger inclusions in the center of a diamond are often visible to the naked eyes, and they also prevent the light from traveling freely. The clearer a diamond is, the better ‘flawless’ grade-stamp it fetches. Even the prices of diamonds depend on this grading system.
Jianna’s Diamonds are always higher than SI1 grade (not visible to naked eyes), so you can shop our products with confidence!
Here’s how the grading system works:

Basically, the term ‘Carat’ is referred to the weight of a diamond. 1 Carat is equivalent to 200 milligrams. Most people mistake it with diamond’s size. But that’s a myth. With an increase in carat size, the price of the diamond also increases because the larger the diamond is, the rarer it is to find. Carat alone should never be your criteria in selecting a diamond. Combine it with the cut, clarity and color as well. A higher Carat diamond with an improper cut may seem small to the eye but a smaller Carat finely-cut diamond is more valuable.
Fluorescence is another quality test for the diamond. It is basically referred to the glow (mostly a bluish or a yellow hue) that a diamond emits when placed under Ultra Violet light. Faint fluorescence is not visible in the natural light, but anything more than that will make the diamond look milky and cloudy and will not make the diamond sparkle in all lights. It is present in roughly 30% of the diamonds, at varying degrees. Presence of fluorescence affects price drastically so always avoid purchasing diamonds with anything more than faint fluorescence. GIA has determined the Fluorescence Grade using the following intensity scale:

The higher the scale, the cheaper the diamond value goes. The presence of Fluorescence should not be a huge factor in your purchase decision from the visual standpoint.
After the 4 Cs, comes the shape. Thankfully, you’ll get a lot of options in this front. Some of the popular shapes that most diamond aficionados prefer are:
These are the most common ones. Due to the symmetry of roundness, these shapes are the best reflectors of light. When comparing two diamonds of different shapes, these will be the most valuable if every other aspect is equal.
As the name suggests, this variety of cut is a go-to style for rings, especially if you’re looking for a breath-taking one for proposing to the love of your life. These eye-catchy pieces are either square or rectangular with sharp corners. Their unique cuts create a captivating halo of sparkle and they are by far the most popular one after round-cut diamonds.
These diamonds are rectangular in shape and have angled & cropped corners. What sets them apart from other shapes is the sheer variety of the sizes they are available in. Their length-to-width ratios vary widely, and you get to have many options while choosing this particular shape.
These are square in shape with slant sides. Asscher Cut is named after a renowned diamond cutter Joseph Asscher who introduced this style in 1902. The curved & blunt shape gives an Asscher Cut diamond a distinct elegance and modest flair.
Introduced a little over 20 years ago, this style of cut came back into vogue recently. As the name suggests, its glow is quite unique and that’s what makes this shape stand out. These new entrants into the diamonds’ shape-family are crafted in a beautiful mix of the Round cuts & the Emerald cuts.
Cushion cut has quite a heritage since it was introduced in the early 1800s. They’re available in square & rectangle frames with round sides. Because of the same reason & the legacy, it is considered to be a vintage version of Round cut diamonds. The large facets of these diamonds bring out the clarity palpably and make them appear like high graded diamonds.
The unique shape of Marquise Cut diamonds makes them appear larger than they are. These are found in round or pear-shaped and have sharp pointed ends. This shape looks great on small fingers as its length makes the finger appear longer.
These are somewhat similar to the Marquise Cut except Oval Cut doesn’t have sharp pointed edges. They also have the same number of facets as a round cut diamond. However, when compared to the Round shape diamonds of the same carat, they appear to be larger because of their elongated shape.
Pear Cut diamond is one of the most elegant ones in the list. Also referred to as ‘drop cut’ or ‘teardrop’ cuts as they are cut to resemble a drop of water. These are round ended with a single point, giving them a subtle royal look. Pear Cut diamonds are also popular for their slim appearance.
Owing to their heart-shaped appearance, these diamonds are mostly purchased for occasions like engagements or anniversaries. Due to the high levels of precision required to craft this kind of style, they are also one of the toughest to make. The Heart Cut diamonds are quite distinctive. So, while choosing, make sure you select the appropriate length-to-width ratio as per the length of your finger. If done right, Heart Cut diamonds look the most beautiful!
If you’re buying a diamond, buy it right! There’s an international grading system of diamonds which was created by The Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In fact, it was the society which introduced the 4 Cs of the diamond. They are believed to be the most reliable institution in the World when it comes to diamond certification. A certificate known as Gem Trade Laboratory (GTL) Report is issued by GIA to various jewelers which quantifies how good the jewelry is. They are well versed in judging a diamond’s flaws, the 4 Cs and the precision of its shape. One of the prime benefits of availing GIA certified pieces is that they only grade natural diamonds. So, if a diamond is graded by GIA, you can be assured of its authenticity.
You’ll find many other laboratory certifications which will be more detailed, but it is best to stick with The GIA as they’re reliable and have been in the industry for a very long time.
If you’ve selected the 4Cs & the size separately and now can’t find a diamond to match the combination, that’s where bespoke cut comes in. It basically means a Custom cut diamond which is made as per your preferences. Based on your requirement, a Bespoke cut diamond can either be shaped using existing diamonds in the market or they can be crafted using freshly-sourced rough diamonds. There are many things to be considered before opting for the first option. Like, graining levels of the existing diamonds shouldn’t be too high, there shouldn’t be any ‘strains’, the number of precise cuts needed to suit your requirements, etc. Cutting from rough diamonds is not easy as well. There’s no way to estimate the exact clarity, color, or Carat of a rough diamond. We often get such estimation requests from our Customers. We have the expertise, skillset, and the will to do it! This is one of the reasons why our Bespoke Cut pieces are so much in demand amongst Jianna buyers. With us, they get EXACTLY what they desire.
Cut of a diamond hugely affects its quality and brilliance. There’s one cut which is considered ideal. ‘The American Ideal Cut’ or, also known as ‘The Tolkowsky Brilliant.’ It is named after the Gemologist Marcel Tolkowsky who mathematically calculated the shape of the diamond and the number of its facets which would result in the maximum brilliance of the diamond. He did his research on a 58-facet model and gave the world the optimal proportions for it. 58 facet diamond was the most popular of his time. Not only he provided an Ideal Cut of his time but also proved that mathematics and arts can be combined to bring out the brilliance of the diamond. His measurements are still regarded as Ideal Cut by many in the diamond industry.
Diamonds have many reflective patterns. Heart & Arrow is one such reflective pattern and diamonds that display this feature are considered the best ones. This is because only the very fine graded diamonds display the Heart & Arrow phenomenon. In the 80s, when someone developed a scope which showed shapes of a heart and an arrow when a diamond was kept inverted under it. Due to intricate detailing, faceting pattern, polishing, and amazing optical symmetry such diamonds exuded brilliant sparkle. Soon, a perfectly crafted Heart & Arrow Diamond came to be known as the Super Ideals.
If you want to check how brilliant your diamond is, check for Gemex Analyzer Certification. It will tell you how a diamond will perform in natural light. With the help of Gemex Analyzer Certification, you would get to have a perfect balance of brilliance, ‘fire’ & sparkle. It measures the percentage of white light & color light that a diamond Returns. It also measures the number of points that turn on-and-off as the diamond is rotated or moved. It generates a bar graph in three categories namely: brilliance, fire, & sparkle and shows where the diamond stands in comparison to all the other diamonds in each category. The comparison is always done shape wise. For instance, a round shaped diamond will only be compared with round shaped diamonds. With Gemex Analyzer Certification, you would be sure you have the best available option.
A measure of how well-cut a diamond is. Light performance theory sees how a diamond reflects & returns light. So, when light enters, it either gets reflected or it leaks off the diamond. The reflection of light makes the diamond shine and proves its brilliance whereas the leaked light goes unnoticed. Stone clarity also plays some role in it but majorly, the cut is responsible for the reflection of light. The light performance test is done under various lighting conditions. Like Gemex Analyzer certification (which basically is a light performance test), where the diamonds are judged based on brilliance, ‘fire’ & sparkle. There is much equipment which is specifically designed to perform such light tests that can show the reality - how your diamond will actually look in the real light.
It can easily be done using an efficient-yet-simple process:
Shape:Basically, shape & size (carat) features play a significant role in the appearance of a diamond. Every other category determines the quality of the diamond, but for the size of the rock, it’s important that you choose how big carat as the first criteria.
Cut:If there’s one thing apart from the size where you shouldn’t be compromising while purchasing the diamond is its cut. Go for the ones that are precisely cut as that’ll make the diamond shine like a light bulb. If you need a diamond which would sparkle, make sure it’s cut neatly. Size & cut are the markers of Brilliance of your diamond. So, never accommodate your choices on those aspects.
Budget:You must figure out a comfortable budget that you want to be in for a diamond. Based on that decision, you can determine whether you would like to go for a Custom-cut product or purchase one from our store that would perfectly fit in your range. Diamonds come in various ranges and each range has some unique brilliance to offer. So, before choosing Clarity grades and other specifications, it’s best to determine your comfortable budget to pivot your choices smartly.
Color & Clarity:These are two parameters which are quite pre-determined when a diamond is found. A well-cut diamond can up to a certain extent hide the flaws present in form of color & clarity. Always go for diamonds which are eye clean and near colorless hence not over spending on things that you don’t see.
Final Selection:Once you’re done with the 4 Cs & shape, check for certifications. What’s looking good in the shop might not look good outside or might not last long. So, always go for GIA certified diamonds.
By using these criteria you’ll get not only the optimal return of your money but also a beautiful ‘heirloom’ diamond jewelry for your generations to keep!
Still got questions? Please email us on and our ‘diamond experts’ will assist you with your selection process. With Jianna, you’ll never have to worry about quality or variety. We offer only the choicest of diamond jewellery that’ll absolutely sing to your heart. Browse collections.
Frequently Asked Questions.
The 4Cs refer to Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight, which are the universally recognized factors used to evaluate the quality and value of a diamond.
Diamond cut refers to the proportions, symmetry, and polish of a diamond. It influences how light interacts with the diamond, affecting its brilliance, fire, and overall visual appeal.
Diamond color refers to the presence or absence of color in a diamond. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grades diamond color on a scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). The less color a diamond has, the higher its value, as colorless diamonds are rarer and more desirable.
Diamond clarity refers to the presence of internal and external characteristics, known as inclusions and blemishes, respectively. Clarity is graded on a scale ranging from Flawless (no inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification) to Included (inclusions and/or blemishes visible to the naked eye). Higher clarity grades generally command higher prices.
Carat weight measures the size of a diamond. One carat is equivalent to 200 milligrams. Generally, as carat weight increases, so does a diamond's rarity and value, assuming all other factors (cut, color, clarity) remain constant.
A diamond certificate, also known as a diamond grading report, is an official document issued by an independent gemological laboratory that evaluates a diamond's 4Cs and other relevant characteristics. It serves as a blueprint of a diamond's quality and authenticity, providing assurance and peace of mind to buyers.