How to repurpose old jewelry

Are you considering repurposing your old jewelry into something new but don't know where to start? Here are some things to consider before reaching out to a jeweler. 

Metal Matters

The metal in your jewelry setting is just as important as the precious stones. You can have the metal melted down and recast into a new setting. However, if it's gold, for instance, you'll need to add more metal to avoid pitting. Platinum is difficult to melt down and should be handled by a refiner. But it can still be reused. For example, a platinum wedding band can be transformed into a stunning pendant with the help of a jeweler.

Engagement and Wedding Bands

If you're holding on to an engagement or wedding ring from a past relationship, you can use it to create a new piece that holds meaning for you. For example, you could transform a diamond solitaire into a pair of stud earrings or add birthstones or statement stones to the center stone. Inherited engagement and wedding rings can also be updated with a modern touch while still preserving a special element, like an engraving.

Custom Jewelry Process

The custom jewelry process can seem daunting, but it all comes down to finding the right designer. Ask for recommendations, read reviews, and request to see work from different professionals. Make sure to choose a designer you trust and who listens to your ideas.

1. Plan carefully

Take some time to think about what you want and communicate it clearly to your designer. Consider which elements of the original piece you want to keep and which ones can go. Your designer should provide renderings to give you an idea of the final product. Don't be afraid to ask for revisions if the mockup doesn't look quite right.

2. Keep an open mind

While it's important to have a clear idea of what you want, being open to new ideas can lead to a truly unique piece. Your designer may suggest options you hadn't considered. Explore all the possibilities and create a one-of-a-kind piece that you'll be proud to wear or pass on for generations.

Get in touch with the specialists at Jianna Jewelers to start your repurposing journey. You can call 713-524-3333 or make an appointmenton our website.

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