When it comes to buying an engagement ring, the term custom-made sounds very prestigious, like something only the obscenely rich and famous can afford. However, this is not the case. Thanks to recent advances in technology and the success of 3D printing, designing your very own custom engagement ring is now easy, affordable, and accessible to everyone.

Many newcomers to the ring world are unfamiliar with the process of designing a ring from scratch. Read more below to see how the process works and what you need to do when designing your own custom made engagement ring.

Already have an idea of what your dream engagement ring looks like? Get started creating it now!

Unleash Your Creativity

Starting your design is the most difficult, but also the most exciting part of the custom ring making process. There are so many options, so many settings, so many diamonds; how do you even begin?

A good place to start is by focusing on the stone. Heres where you consider the Four Cs of a diamond and choose the best stone for your budget. But there are other things to consider besides the cut, color, clarity, and carat weight of your diamond.

Do you want many little stones or do you prefer one central stone? What kinds of stones do you prefer? Diamonds? Sapphires? Rubies? Because the gemstone is usually the central focal point of the engagement ring, it helps to choose it first and then design around it. Basically, the gemstone will help provide a framework for your design, the seed from which your ring will grow.

The second biggest choice is metal. White gold has grown in popularity, while yellow gold diamond rings are considered a classic choice for engagement rings. Even once you pick the metal, however, theres still a huge range of individual settings! 

Take a look at social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram for inspiration on design molds and settings. There are modern looks, traditional styles, and more unique options. Have a fun time researching rings with your friends, considering your options, and idea shopping for inspiration.

Step 1: Bring The Design Together

The first step to bringing your design together involves submitting drawings, sketches, and pictures of your dream ring. This can be done easily by simply filling out a form and uploading image files to the website.

If you cant draw, dont fret! You can submit photos of rings that you like to a jeweler that creates custom made engagement rings, and their design team will be able to help tie your ideas into one final stunner and give you great buying advice for your diamond and budget.  It certainly helps if you can draw yourself, but that is not at all necessary. So start gathering those photos together and collecting ideas for your own piece.

Step 2: Use CAD To Make A Design

Now that youve brought the design together and uploaded your images to the form, a designer should contact you to provide more information and an estimated quote for your ring. After you have approved everything with the designer, it is time for technology to play its part.

The jewelry technology today provides unbelievable opportunities to make your ring exactly how you like it. To build the rings, jewelers use a program called CAD (Computer-Aided Design), which is the same program engineers use to design buildings. This program essentially allows jewelers to print exact 3D molds of your design.

Just like engineers and architects, professional jewelers go to school for up to two years to learn the fine art of making custom engagement rings using CAD technology. However, unlike engineers, jewelers have to be obsessively precise about each and every millimeter they measure. 

Step 3: Casting & Molding The Final Product

Once you have fully approved the 3D drawings provided by the designer, they will create a wax model of the ring. Then, the quality control team analyzes the wax model to check for any discrepancies or problems with the mold. Once that wax mold is approved, it is then made into a rubber mold, which is injected with plaster. It is that plaster mold that is used to create the final product of your ring.

The jewelers can make just about any setting or mold to hold your gemstone. Some of the designs made with the CAD program are so detailed that they simply could not be made by hand. 

Now, all thats left is to

Step 4: Pop the Question!

Designing your own custom ring is a great direction to take when buying an engagement ring. Whether you want to copy a celebritys ring design or create your very own design from scratch, you will find that customizing a ring is easy, efficient, and even fun.

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